Having an astonishing website presence doesn’t normally bring profitable reward or else everybody would be 100% prosperous! To make your business success via your website frequently involves careful on-going strategic management. Parmartek Solutions provides a comprehensive digital strategy service that offers these intercessions.
Our team are digital strategy experienced with the optimisation, usability, commercial, analytics, testing, pay-per-click and SEO skills to make your web presence successful. We intensely can be certain of that these skills should not be disconnected into storage tower but should be integrated, with every enhancement opportunity well-versed by work in the other areas.
Our core principal with this digital strategy processes consist of:
Analytics Strategy
We will do the analysis of your present online business, and work from your current results, Website Search Analysis, Heat-map Analysis, Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools and Customer Feedback. This process will give us a set of targets from which progresses can be measured.
Social media attendance
We will review your extended digital media presence including video media and images used within the social media network, blogging and content delivery, newsletters and partner relations. We use high-end analysis tools and industry benchmarks that allow us to make recommendations for improvements including follower achievement strategies and development of social activities.
Rival and response analysis
We will look at your rivals within your business market as part of this digital strategy and use tools to evaluate the scale and successes of their online businesses. Through feature analysis we are able to observe where they are doing well and where they are not doing so well than you and thereafter make recommendations for improvement on your online business or ecommerce website.
Online marketing strategy
We will look into your Pay per Click (PPC) Design and Keyword Intelligence. When Google’s Ad words campaigns are designed and run well, it can generate substantial additional profits for many businesses. If it is run poorly, they are basically a way of making money for Google.
With our digital strategy we will work closely with you and design campaigns that will make full use of our expertise and knowledge of the different Google services such as search, display network, images and maps as well as proper campaign design for match types, ad groups, quality scores and landing pages to delivers justifiable results. The successful results from PPC will be used to inform further SEO changes for example content, landing pages and anchor tags.
On-going digital Strategy Campaign
We are not finished when we have successfully completed the digital strategy. We encourage all our clients to engage on a continuous basis, where we will help clients to optimise their sites and look at recognising and utilise the opportunities that are available.
If you would like to converse your digital strategy with us, then we would welcome this opportunity. We can offer consultancy to your business and formulate process of reports, make market endorsements which will maximise your organisations resources effectively and utilise the available budget and technology appropriately. Parmartek Solutions will give your business a new perspective on websites and projects that are currently not performing well.
If you need impartial viewpoint on your current website or project, then our strategic and consultancy service are very cost effective and help your business projects move forward quickly. You can contact us by visiting our get in touch section of the website or just give us a call on: 0742 524 7932.